Are you heading off on an adventure, it could be walking, cycling or a road trip. This new adventure memory cushion is a great way to remember the key moments.
The place names or locations should mean something to you and not be generic well known places map.
The example here shows a quick trip for an American friend who popped over to the UK for 10 days, Annan and Twiced Brewed may not feature on shop maps, but were key memory moments on this trip.
Head over to my commissioned order page and have a look around, these adventure memory cushions start at £35.00.
Fathers Day is just around the corner …..
Some new cushions have been added to stock this week, that may be a perfect fit…….
As usual all the designs are individual, mainly due to my aim to up-cycle and repurpose fabrics. This focus means I don’t just buy materials off the role but purchase excess stock and end of roles, ensuring the most ethical use of materials, whilst keeping my cost at the best possible prices to pass on to my customers.
Many thanks for viewing my update and I look forward to seeing you on Instagram.

Deb (The Dizzy Tyke)